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BackHomeMiniature Skirmish GamesGames WorkshopAge of SigmarWarhammer 40K RPG: Imperium Maledictum - GM Screen
Art: 9781913569259
Warhammer 40K RPG: Imperium Maledictum - GM Screen
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Wrath & Glory (40K),RPG’s
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The GM screen contains a wealth of information, commonly referenced rules, and comes with an additional 32 page booklet packed with worldbuilding generation tools, and short adventures suitable for any group.
The Imperium Maledictum Gamemaster’s Screen includes:
- The Gamemaster’s Screen: A three-panel GM screen with stunning artwork depicting a diverse group of Imperial agents surveying the heart of a densely populated hive city, poised to root out the Imperium's enemies.
- The interior screen contains at-a-glance references for the most used rules, perfect to keep gameplay flowing and reduce rulebook searching.
- Macharian Miscellanea: A 32-page booklet packed with worldbuilding and mission tools.
- NPC generators for each of Imperium Maledictum’s major factions, a compendium of plot generating whispers from all corners of the Macharian sector, and a collection of unique and helpful tables.
- Three new Open Case Files, intriguing missions that can be slotted into or in between a party’s larger investigation, or used as one-shot missio
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