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Art: 729220070357
War Chest
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Can you master the game of kings, queens and warrior and lead your armies to victory. in this beautifully crafted game of tactics and strategy?
War Chest is a simple to learn, yet highly re-playable strategy game where the players each control armies of unique units. It combines drafting, with an elegant army composition mechanic. War Chest challenges you to develop alternate strategies to recruit more troops, offset your losses, and outmaneuver your opponent in order to defeat them.
- 74 Unit Coins
- 4 Royal Coins
- 1 Initiative Marker
- 16 Unit Cards
- 16 Faction Control Markers
- 4 Bags
- 1 Board
- 1 Rulebook
- Brand: AEG Alderac Entertainment Group
- Article number: 729220070357
- Designer: Trevor Benjamin, David Thompson
- Year: 2018
- Number of Players: 2-4
- Time: 30 Minutes
- Ages: 14+
- Mechanics: Area Majority/Influence, Deck/Bag/Pool Building, Hand Management, Team-Based Game, Variable Player Powers
- Theme: Abstract Strategy, Medieval, Wargame
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