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Art: 736640880459
Tumbling (Tumblin') Dice (2022 Edition)
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FEATURED,Dexterity Games
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Tumblin' Dice is a dexterity dice game in which players take turns sliding, rolling, or flicking one of their dice down stepped surface. After all players have launched their four dice, they score points, multiplying the value of the die roll by 1×, 2×, 3×, or 4× depending on which area of the board the die has landed. (Dice which land in the 0× region are immediately removed from play.) After four rounds, the player with the most points win.
- Brand: Eagle-Gryphon Games
- Article number: 736640880459
- Designer: Carey Grayson, Randy Nash, Rick Soued
- Year: 2004
- Number of Players: 1-6
- Time: 20-45 Min
- Ages: 7+
- Mechanics: Dice Rolling, Flicking
- Theme: Action / Dexterity, Dice, Party Game
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