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Art: 9781964259086
Triangle Agency RPG: The Vault Missions
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RPGs from S to Z,RPG’s
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- Featuring the work of twelve designers and twelve artists, the Anomalies, characters, and unique items and abilities within showcase just how varied any given mission can be.
- Edited by Will Jobst and overseen by the game's designers, these missions feature comic highs, dramatic lows, difficult decisions, and meaningful choices that will linger with Agents across their entire careers.
- Featuring art by Trevor Henderson, Coey Kuhn, Marie Enger, and more!
- The twelve introductory illustrations and included map showcase a richly varied cast of Anomalies across the fictional Ternion City.
- Each Mission contains examples of Anomaly Abilities and special Requisitions that Agents might gain as a result of their choices during character advancement.
This supplement requires the Triangle Agency Core Rulebook to play.
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