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Art: 9781957311692
Transformers RPG Technorganic Secrets
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With signature characters like Optimus Primal, Blackarachnia, Grimlock, Tankor, and Megatron at the ready, you have a full cast of characters to play some of the best stories the Transformers Roleplaying Game can offer!
Create fan favorite characters including Dinobots and Maximals. Also included are new gear options for Alt Mode and Beast Modes. Get advice on creating Beast Wars-style campaigns with a limited recurring cast of characters, exploring alien worlds, and facing Quantum Surge events that threaten reality!
- New origins and influences for Cybertronians who take the forms of beasts, including Fuzor combinations, and how to unlock the power of Transmetal forms!
- Threat Stats and Contacts for key characters who call the Maximals, Dinobots, Predacons, Vehicons, and other teams home. Explore what-if scenarios with deviations of signature characters!
- 13 new General Perks, 5 new weapons, new shields, and animal companion rules mean that your Cybertronian won’t be alone in their adventures on unfamiliar planets.
- Guidance for creating Beast Wars-style campaigns with a limited recurring cast of characters
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