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Art: 0703558837646
Tanto Cuore: Romantic Vacation Expansion
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Tanto Cuore: Romantic Vacation, the second expansion for the deck-building game Tanto Cuore in addition to being a standalone game, is themed around a paradise island vacation. The game introduces reminiscence cards, representing memorial events, like 'Camp Fire', 'Watching the stars', 'Picnic', etc. These cards are worth substantial victory points, but unlike the other victory points they are not bought with love, but gained by discarding a specified number of maid cards from your hand, thus introducing the possibility of getting victory points from pure maid cards, previously not possible.
- 206 Maid Cards (32 Chambermaids, 174 General Maids)
- 16 Recollection Cards
- 56 Love Cards
- 1 Rulebook
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