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Trading Card Games,FEATURED
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TacTiki is a 2-player abstract strategy game. Players assume the roles of battling Gods trying to control a remote island, outmanoeuvring their opponent to build a tower of tikis on their base.
Tactics and planning are the lifeblood of the game, which will fascinate and attract players from all over the world, all securely packed in a mysterious box!
- 1 Two-sided game board
- 10 "Tac" miniatures
- 10 "Tiki" miniatures
- 1 Rule-book
- 1 Foam tray insert
- Brand: Drawlab Entertainment
- Article number: 781159522314
- Designer: Gábor Incze
- Year: 2022
- Number of Players: 2
- Time: ~30 minutes
- Ages: 12+
- Mechanics: Grid Movement, Memory
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