Star Wars - Legion: Wookiee Warriors
In the ongoing struggles of the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance has one distinct advantage over the Empire. While the ranks of the Imperial military are almost exclusively filled with humans, beings from countless worlds across the Star Wars galaxy have flocked to the Rebellion to commit themselves to the cause of freedom. Each new species that joins the Rebel ranks can contribute to a mission in its own unique way, giving the Rebels options beyond rank-and-file troopers.
Nowhere is this more evident than the Wookiee Warriors of Kashyyyk. Typically a peaceful species, these imposing warriors possess a volatile temperament that makes them absolutely terrifying when provoked. Soon you’ll be able to direct your Wookiees' fury at your Imperial foes on the battlefields of Star Wars: Legion with the Wookiee Warriors Unit Expansion.
In this expansion, you’ll find four unpainted, easily assembled Wookiee Warrior miniatures eager to test their tenacity and resolve on the battlefield. Already fearsome on their own, five upgrade cards give you the chance to further enhance their abilities. Finally, a unit card and a handful of tokens let you fully incorporate a unit of Wookiee Warriors into your armies.