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Battle to collect cards and win gems in this interstellar and highly competitive card game. The first player to earn 50 gems wins.
In Snarkas, each player receives a hand of cards, and 4 cards are dealt onto the table. On each player's turn, one card is played. That card is either added to the table, or used to collect cards from the table through matching or adding.
The game includes cards numbered 1-10, along with 2 different robot characters (Asters and Jolts), and ZAP cards that clear the entire table. Some cards have gems on them, which will add to a player's point total.
If any player is able to clear the table with any card other than a ZAP, they yell "SNARKAS!" and earn the shiny Snarkas gem worth 10 gems!
- Brand: Misc Board Games
- Article number: 850050108016
- Designer: Sara Farber, William Sakran, Bryan Wilson
- Year: 2023
- Number of Players: 2-4
- Time: 15-30 Min
- Ages: 8+
- Mechanics: End Game Bonuses, Hand Management, Matching, Trick-taking
- Theme: Card Game
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