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Sleeves - 66x91mm (Standard CCG) Pokemon Deck Protector 65/pack feat.
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Ultra Pro,Gaming Supplies
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Ultra PRO's Deck Protector sleeves are designed to protect your trading cards from damage during game play. They are sized to fit standard size gaming cards and are made with archival-safe polypropylene film. Each pack contains 65 full-color art sleeves printed using Ultra PRO's proprietary ChromaFusion dual-layer film technology to reduce peeling and splitting.
- Official Pokémon Deck Protector sleeves to protect your trading cards during game play
- Full color artwork featuring art from the pokemon franchise
- Sized to fit standard 2.5" x 3.5" gaming cards
65 sleeves per pack
- Made with non-PVC, polypropylene film with dual-layer ChromaFusion technology
**If you are looking for a higher quantity please email us at**
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