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Art: 9781638611837
Shadowrun 6e: Lethal Harvest
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Shadowrun 6e,RPG’s
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Most look the other way, but others have chosen to act. Some follow the enemy ever deeper into the shadows to uncover their darkest secrets. Others struggle to expose the conspiracies between them and their allies to a blind or apathetic world. A rave (or insane) few face the enemy head-on in brutal combat against deadly, nightmarish opponents from another metaplane. Make no mistake, this is not just another war; this is a battle for our survival. The Disians are looking to strip the Sixth World of its life-giving energies and kill us all. So that leaves only one question: do you cower, or do you FIGHT?
- Lethal Harvest is a plot sourcebook advancing the story of Shadowrun, Sixth World
- Complex encounters, problems to solve, and relations to navigate that keep everyone at the table engaged and ready to roll
- Expands upon the political and sociopolitical conflicts within the Sixth World in this deadly game where the stakes are higher than ever
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