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Art: 3760146648937
River Dragons
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In the Mekong delta, every year, the bravest young people face each other in a famous contest. Building bridges with planks resting on stones, cross the river to reach the village on the opposite bank. To arrive there, program your actions well, avoid the enemies maneuvers and the unexpected interventions of the Mekongs dragons.
The first to arrive will receive a golden dragon from the hand of the king himself!
- Brand: Matagot
- Article number: 3760146648937
- Designer: Roberto Fraga
- Year: 2000
- Number of Players: 2–6
- Time: 30 Min
- Ages: 8+
- Mechanics: Action Queue Point to Point Movement Simultaneous Action Selection
- Theme: Abstract Strategy
- Game Video: <iframe width="250" height="145" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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