Explore the different areas of the island, find the relics of the Ancient Ones and complete your Tree of Wisdom to acquire knowledge – here materialized as Scrolls. At the end of the game, the player with the most Scrolls wins the game.
Rivages is a fast-paced exploration game in which players sail from island to island in search of ancient scrolls. Each turn, they simultaneously choose one of the 2 Exploration cards in their hand and mark the matching fields on the island they are currently exploring. Throughout their journey, they will complete quests and missions granting them rewards, including the precious scrolls and various bonuses. Once everyone has played, each player passes their cards to the player on their left, providing them with new opportunities.
When the Exploration card deck runs out, the game ends and the player who earned the most scrolls wins. Players must show opportunism, plan their exploring with care, and make the right choices if they want to prevail at the end of this thrilling adventure.
• A fresh breathe on the X n'write style : complicated scorings are replaced by a cool journey through the Archipelago, from island to island.
• Short simultaneous games (25 minutes)
• Huge replayability : play 3 to 5 islands on each game, among the 25 included in the box.