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Art: 793618234676
Regicide Second Edition:
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Regicide is a cooperative, fantasy card game for 1 to 4 players, played using a standard deck of cards.
Players work together to defeat 12 powerful enemies. On their turn a player plays a card to the table to attack the enemy and once enough damage is dealt, the enemy is defeated. The players win when the last King is defeated. But beware! Each turn the enemy strikes back. Players will discard cards to satisfy the damage and if they can't discard enough, everyone loses.
Rich with tactical decisions and a deep heuristic tree, Regicide is a huge challenge for anyone who is brave enough to take it on.
How to Play:
- Step One - Play a card from your hand to attack the enemy
- Step Two - Activate the played card's suit power
- Step Three - Deal damage and check to see if the enemy is defeated
- Step Four -Suffer damage from the enemy by discarding cards
- Brand: Badgers From Mars
- Article number: 793618234676
- Designer: Paul Abrahams Luke Badger Andy Richdale
- Year: 2020
- Number of Players: 1–4 Players
- Time: 10–30 Min
- Ages: 10+
- Mechanics: Communication Limits Cooperative Game Hand Management Solo / Solitaire Game Variable Set-up
- Theme: Card Game Fantasy
- Game Video: <iframe width="250" height="145" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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