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In Quorum, you’ll play cards to accumulate points in different specialties, while growing your influence in the 6 different territories on the board. The gods also intervene to grant favors (or punishments) as a twist to the game. Are you ready to rule the empire?
- Continuous decisions in a game of open drafting and area majorities.
- Easy to play but difficult to master. Constant interaction among players!
- Set in the age of the Roman Empire with fantastic illustrations by Bea Tormo
- Brand: Devir
- Article number: 8436607946229
- Designer: Raul Franco Jiménez, Fran Martínez Rosa
- Year: 2025
- Number of Players: 2-4
- Time: 45-60 Min
- Ages: 14+
- Mechanics: End Game Bonuses, Hand Management, Set Collection
- Theme: Ancient
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