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Trading Card Games,FEATURED
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Small wooden table soccer, to play on any table or on the floor, where the goal is to score in the opposite goal by hitting the ball with your finger. Every rival has a shot, and so on. When you score a goal, the opponent has to remove one of their eleven 'sticks' from the board. Who runs out of sticks loses! PLAKKS is the new soccer board game!
Play anytime! Quick matches of 5-10 minutes
Playable with children, grandchildren, grandparents, parents, friends, brother, sister... A game for the whole family, without age limit!
Very easy to play and learn
- Brand: Plakks Entertainment
- Article number: 8437019509019
- Designer: Jordi Dominguez and Haritz Múgica
- Year: 2019
- Number of Players: 2-4
- Time: 5-20 Min
- Ages: 6+
- Mechanics: Flicking
- Theme: Soccer, Football
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