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Art: 3070900051133
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The objective of the game is to construct your own ship before pirates arrive and attack you!
A stop game where you have to know when to take risks...and when to play it safe! Whether you take an adventurous or cautious approach, try and be first to build your ship by collecting 6 “boat” cards in the same colour! Watch out! The pirates might attack and to stop them you need a “cannon” card, or to give up 3 cards or gold pieces...
Components: 55 cards (9 cards are pirates)
- Brand: Djeco
- Article number: 3070900051133
- Designer: Grégory Kirszbaum
- Year: 2008
- Number of Players: 2-4
- Time: 15 minutes
- Ages: 5+
- Mechanics: Push Your Luck, Set Collection, Trading
- Theme: Pirates
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