Pathfinder RPG 2E Battlecry!
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When diplomacy between nations fails and neither side backs down, war is the inevitable result. From border skirmishes to large-scale invasions, conflict comes in many forms—the perfect chance for heroes to win glory! And war has come to the world Golarion, embroiling the nations of the Inner Sea in a conflict that will forever change the Pathfinder setting!
This new rulebook for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game covers all aspects of war, including two bold new character classes! Help steer the flow of battle as a cunning commander, or protect your allies from harm as an indomitable guardian. You'll also find archetypes that allow you to raise a small battalion of undead soldiers or wield a personal siege weapon, the new larger-than-life jotunborn ancestry, an armory of magic weapons, and rules for running combat alongside troops that you command to fill out your army's ranks. Golarion’s generals need you, so heed the Battlecry!
Written by: Logan Bonner, Jason Keeley, and Michael Sayre. Additional writing by Saif Ansari, Kate Baker, Rigby Bendele, Tineke Bolleman, Jessica Catalan, Jeremy Corff, Rue Dickey, John Godek III, Luis Loza, Dennis Muldoon, Collette Quach, Mikhail Rekun, Shay Snow, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Andrew White, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.