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Munchkin Original: Time Warp Expansion 10
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And break history!
Munchkin 10 – Time Warp brings you 112 new cards compatible with the classic set by the TIME-honored team of Steve Jackson and John Kovalic. Arm yourself with George Washington’s False Teeth and Archimedes’ Screw. Whack your foes with the Philosopher’s Stone and a precious Ming Vase. And what foes! Cleopatra and her Pet Roc . . . Lucrezia Borgia, . . . with Monkeys, and even Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow, aided by Huns, Goths, and Vandals!
Key Features:
- Our first numbered Munchkin expansion in more than three years!
- Standard Fantasy backs
- 112 brand-new cards to add to any Munchkin game!
- Brand: Steve Jackson Games
- Article number: 080742095212
- Designer: Steve Jackson
- Year: 2022
- Number of Players: 3-6
- Expansion For: <a href=>Munchkin</a>
- Game Video: N/A
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