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Munchkin Original: Something Fishy Mini Expansion
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This 56-card expansion for any fantasy Munchkin game goes beneath the waves to offer players new monsters to kill and new weapons to fight them with. Designed by Steve Jackson and developed by Andrew Hackard, with art by Lar deSouza, Something Fishy will have your customers flooding your store!
Key Features:
- More of the same silly jokes Munchkin players love, with great Lar deSouza artwork!
- Mix this right into your favorite fantasy Munchkin game and start playing!
- Fish is healthy!
- Brand: Steve Jackson Games
- Article number: 080742096424
- Designer: Steve Jackson
- Year: 2020
- Number of Players: 3 - 6
- Time: 60-120 Minutes
- Ages: 10+
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