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Art: 080742095786
Munchkin: Farkle
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Trading Card Games,FEATURED
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Munchkin Farkle marries the classic dice game with the Munchkin sense of humor and stab-your-buddy mentality. Rather than the traditional race to win, Munchkin Farkle is a race to win . . . and make your companions lose!
Cheat, curse your friends, and occasionally run away as you push your luck on every roll. Add the most Gold Pieces to your hoard and win!
- Brand: Steve Jackson Games
- Article number: 080742095786
- Designer: Samuel Mitschke
- Year: 2022
- Number of Players: 3-5
- Time: 30 min
- Ages: 14+
- Mechanics: Dice Rolling
- Theme: Dice, Fantasy
- Game Video: N/A
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