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Munchkin: Apocalypse - Kaiju: Mini Expansion
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Yatta! Kaiju gemu e yokoso!
(Hooray! Welcome to our kaiju game!)
Enjoy nuclear-powered battles, city-stomping showdowns, and off-planet altercations with Munchkin Apocalypse: Kaiju! (Gesundheit.) Get barbecued by Hamera, take a sledgehammer to Rocky Road Dan, and win the day with the help of a Rousing Theme Song and a Small Child in Shorts.
Key Features:
• What’s better than monsters? Giant monsters!
• A brand new 30-card mini-expansion for Munchkin Apocolypse!
• Shuffles with any version of Munchkin Apocalypse, or use card sleeves to shuffle into any Munchkin game.
- Brand: Steve Jackson Games
- Article number: 080742096240
- Designer: Len Peralta
- Year: 2021
- Number of Players: 3-6
- Expansion For: <a href="">Munchkin Apocalypse</a>
- Game Video: N/A
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