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Art: 053334951920
Legendary - Marvel: Doctor Strange & The Shadows of Nightmare
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Description the dream dimension, people are stalked by fear. Nightmare, an ageless demon who rules this realm is collecting dream energy from humans and placing the entire world under extradimensional threats from him and his villains. Team up with wondrous heroes and the Master of the Mystic Arts, Doctor Strange in this new Legendary expansion where you’ll race to power up your deck with the legendary defender before feeding the dream-stalking enemy with unstoppable power!
Doctor Strange returns to Legendary bringing more mystic heroes to join the vast pool of amazing super-heroes!
- 25th Expansion to the vast Legendary Landscape!
- 5 Heroes! 2 new Masterminds and Villain groups!
- Players can work both with and against other players to defeat evil!
- Doctor Strange, The Vishanti, The Ancient One, Brother Voodoo, and Clea join the fight to defeat the dark arts!
- All cards contain original art!
- Requires the Marvel Legendary Core Set to play.
- Expansion set
- 100 Playable Cards
- Original artwork
- 1 Rulesheet
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