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Art: 810024460298
Maglev Maps: Volume 1
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Each of these exciting maps include brand new components, like triple-sized robot Mechs, VIP passenger meeples, Mars, Moon, & London player board unit enhancements, and Maglev Strike tokens. Maglev Metro fans will find learning the rules and setup for these new maps a breeze! Each map alters play in new and interesting ways without straying too far from the critically acclaimed gameplay of the base game.
- 6 Rulesheets
- 6 Maps
- 8 Mechs
- 4 Mech Hubs
- 4 Mechs Guides
- 8 VIP Passengers
- 8 New Bonus Cards
- 4 Martian Extentions
- 4 Moonbase Stations
- 4 Moonbase Extentions
- 4 London District Exentions
- 1 Paris Strike Breaker Schedule
- 12 Strike Breaker Tokens
- 2 Strike Markers
- Brand: Bézier Games
- Article number: 810024460298
- Designer: Ted Alspach, Dale Yu
- Year: 2023
- Number of Players: 1-4
- Expansion For: <a href=>Maglev Metro</a>
- Game Video: N/A
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