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Art: 9781589782099
Magical Kitties Save the Day: Kitty Cards
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Magical Kitties Save the Day,RPG’s
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Make character creation easy with these Talent, Power, and Flaw cards for Magical Kitties Save the Day. Draw cards to choose your kitty character’s abilities, pick out your favorites from the stack, or roll dice to generate random traits. Then, keep your cards handy as a visual way to keep track of your character abilities! Full-color illustrations add fun for all ages.
An optional, fully-compatible accessory for Magical Kitties Save the Day, an all-ages roleplaying game of cute, fierce kitties.
- Make character creation fast and fun with these attribute cards for Magical Kitties Save the Day, an all-ages roleplaying game of cute, fierce kitties.
- Poker-sized cards are easy for younger players to hold and shuffle.
- Vibrant, full-color art helps bring your kitty character to life.
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