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Art: 8032611690631
Lost in Adventure: The Labyrinth
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You discover the game scenery as you go, placing cards side by side, talking to characters you meet, collecting clues, and using objects wisely. Your decisions will affect the adventure and lead you to one of the possible endings. Your goal is to fulfill all the prophecies and complete the adventure with as many favors as possible.
In Lost in Adventure: The Labyrinth, you take on the role of a legendary hero who is searching for the mythical minotaur at the heart of a labyrinth as well-known around the world as it is challenging to navigate. The game map reveals itself throughout the game, one scenario card at a time, as you progress in an adventure astride the edge of legend and reality.
- Brand: DV Giochi
- Article number: 8032611690631
- Designer: Marco Pranzo
- Year: 2024
- Number of Players: 1-6
- Time: 90 Min
- Ages: 10+
- Mechanics: Action/Event, Cooperative Game, Map Addition, Narrative Choice / Paragraph, Solo / Solitaire Game, Storytelling
- Theme: Adventure, Card Game, Exploration, Mythology
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