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Art: 5350705999938
Hamlet: The Village Building Game
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In this tile placing game, players construct buildings that everyone can use to create materials, refine resources, earn money and make important deliveries to construct the Hamlet’s big landmark - the Church.
The game features irregular shaped tiles that connect together without a grid to form a village that is completely different every time. The tile placement organically creates interconnecting paths that the villagers use to transport resources across the village. This leads players to construct boards where no two games will ever feel the same. Since the buildings are communal, this also creates a fluid economy, where players are always working hard to provide the village with the resources that are most needed.
- Brand: Mighty Boards
- Article number: 5350705999938
- Designer: David Chircop
- Year: 2022
- Number of Players: 1-4
- Time: 60-90 Min
- Ages: 10+
- Mechanics: Tile Placement, Route Building, Pick Up and Deliver
- Theme: City Building
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