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Art: 4010350204023
Hamburg: Essentials Edition
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The players want to become First Mayor of Hamburg around 1890. Competing with the powerful ruler of the city for influence, power and status. With the help of their playing cards, they build various buildings on their properties, expand the zoo and the botanical garden and even expand the city wall. As a result, they gain special skills, money and influence.
Whoever has the greatest influence after the final score wins and may call himself First Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.
- Brand: Queen Games
- Article number: 4010350204023
- Designer: Stefan Feld
- Year: 2022
- Number of Players: 1-5
- Time: 60-90 Min
- Ages: 10+
- Mechanics: Dice Rolling, Hand Management, Solo / Solitaire Game
- Theme: Card Game, City Building, Economic
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