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Art: 810011725652
Provides everything you need to portray Sgt Slaughter and Slaughter’s Marauders in your G.I. JOE Roleplaying Game!
- Character options for making your own drill instructor character or a member of Slaughter’s Marauders
- Stats for making and playing as Sgt Slaughter and his Marauders.
- 28mm-scale Sgt Slaughter paintable miniature
- Adventure that lets your G.I. JOE characters join Slaughter’s Marauders
- Standees and tactical maps representing scenes in the scenario.
Requires the G.I. JOE Roleplaying Game to play.
- 1 Sgt Slaughter Sourcebook
- 1 Marauders Versus the Slaughter Monster adventure book
- 1 Sgt Slaughter miniature (28mm scale)
- Character and vehicle tokens
- 14 plastic stands
- 3 double-sided map tiles
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