GST Holiday Products

In this category, you will find all of the products that qualify for the GST/HST Break running from December 14, 2024 to February 15, 2025.


We have done our best to cover as many of the items as possible using information provided through this document - The document outlines a number of inclusions and exceptions, and we have done our best to ensure that all sales qualify appropriately. With that said, we would like to take the opportunity to clarify out the following points:


- No games rated 14+ qualify for the GST Break

- While Role Playing Games do not specifically qualify under the information provided, the vast majority of rule books and adventure modules DO qualify under the Printed Books section. That said, RPG accessories such as spell cards, miniatures, paints, maps and tokens do NOT qualify.

- Tabletop Skirmish Games such as Warhammer, Conquest and Battletech DO NOT qualify for the GST Break - all of these have special qualifications from their respective publishers that these products are "NOT A CHILDREN'S TOY", and as such do not qualify for the break under the terms of the document noted above. Printed rulebooks, Codex and other such book publications from these publishers DO apply however.


Should you find a product that you feel should qualify that is not GST/HST exempt, we encourage our customers to email [email protected] prior to placing your order, and we would be happy to look into it further for you.

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In this category, you will find all of the products that qualify for the GST/HST Break running from December 14, 2024 to February 15, 2025.


We have done our best to cover as many of the items as possible using information provided through this document - The document outlines a number of inclusions and exceptions, and we have done our best to ensure that all sales qualify appropriately. With that said, we would like to take the opportunity to clarify out the following points:


- No games rated 14+ qualify for the GST Break

- While Role Playing Games do not specifically qualify under the information provided, the vast majority of rule books and adventure modules DO qualify under the Printed Books section. That said, RPG accessories such as spell cards, miniatures, paints, maps and tokens do NOT qualify.

- Tabletop Skirmish Games such as Warhammer, Conquest and Battletech DO NOT qualify for the GST Break - all of these have special qualifications from their respective publishers that these products are "NOT A CHILDREN'S TOY", and as such do not qualify for the break under the terms of the document noted above. Printed rulebooks, Codex and other such book publications from these publishers DO apply however.


Should you find a product that you feel should qualify that is not GST/HST exempt, we encourage our customers to email [email protected] prior to placing your order, and we would be happy to look into it further for you.

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8456 ProductsPage 259 of 353
Pandasaurus Robots
C$16.95Excl. tax
How far does Robbi roll in about four seconds? Well, that depends on how quickly he moves!...
Misc RPGs Rocket Age: Arthur's Guide to Martian Life
Mars is not a large planet, merely half the size of Earth, yet it hosts several native habitats and tens of thousands of native species....
Misc RPGs Rocket Age: Arthur's Guide to Martian Life (5E)
Mars is not a large planet, merely half the size of Earth, yet it hosts several native habitats and tens of thousands of native species....
2Tomatoes Games Rocodromo
C$24.95Excl. tax
Rocódromo is a 3D game where we compete to be the first to reach the top of a climbing wall....
Perplext Roland Wright: The Dice Game
As Roland Wright, you play as a game designer obsessed with creating the perfect dice game....
Wood Expressions Roll 'Em Dice Cups (Set of 4) (Liar's Dice)
This set of sturdy plastic Roll Em Dice Cups are ready for the fun!...
Calliope Games Roll For It! Deluxe Edition
The Roll For It! Deluxe Edition tin is here! All the action, all the fun, and now all the beauty of our goddess Calliope in a single package....
Calliope Games Roll For It! Red Version
Roll'em! Match'em! Score'em!...
Thunderworks Games Roll Player The Game
Roll Player The Game
C$62.95Excl. tax
In Roll Player, you will compete to create the greatest fantasy adventurer who has ever lived, preparing your character to embark on an epic quest. Ro...
Thunderworks Games Roll Player: Fiends & Familiars Expansion
In Roll Player: Fiends & Familiars, players can add more depth to their hero by adding a familiar to their character....
Eagle-Gryphon Games Roll Through the Ages: The Iron Age Mediterranean Expansion
Players race to reap the benefits of strategic colonies...
Eagle-Gryphon Games Roll Through the Ages: The Iron Age w/ Mediterranean Expansion
Build an Iron Age civilization in under an hour!...
Foam Brain Games Roll Up Leatherette Dice Mat Black
This Dice Mat has it all - It rolls up for easy storage when not in use, has sturdy snaps, a zipper pouch to hold your dice and is the perfect rolling...
Foam Brain Games Roll Up Leatherette Dice Mat Brown
This Dice Mat has it all - It rolls up for easy storage when not in use, has sturdy snaps, a zipper pouch to hold your dice and is the perfect rolling...
Misc Board Games Roll'n Bump
Roll'n Bump
C$22.95Excl. tax
Roll dice to claim point cards, and collect different sets, if you don't get bumped....
Alley Cat Games Rome In A Day
Rome In A Day
C$33.95C$25.46Excl. tax
Make deals with a highly interactive “I split, you choose” mechanic, with “Kingdomino meets Akropolis” style scoring....
Matagot Room-25: Ultimate Edition
Trapped in a prison in which each room has four doors but apparently no exit, the players must try to find Room 25, the supposed exit to this nightmar...
Leder Games Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right Base Game
Attempt to rule a fantastic forest kingdom in the ultimate asymmetric game of adventure and war....
Leder Games Root: Exiles And Partisans Deck
Mix things up with an alternative deck of cards....
Leder Games Root: Landmarks Pack
Root: Landmarks Pack
C$14.95C$9.95Excl. tax
Bring the Woodland to life with landmarks!
The Landmark Pack includes four screen-printed wood landmarks...
Leder Games Root: Marauder Hirelings Pack & Hireling Box
Need allies? Here they are, fiery and fierce. Discover unique strategies and make the Woodland wilder by adding hirelings. Best with fewer players, gr...