GST Holiday Products

In this category, you will find all of the products that qualify for the GST/HST Break running from December 14, 2024 to February 15, 2025.


We have done our best to cover as many of the items as possible using information provided through this document - The document outlines a number of inclusions and exceptions, and we have done our best to ensure that all sales qualify appropriately. With that said, we would like to take the opportunity to clarify out the following points:


- No games rated 14+ qualify for the GST Break

- While Role Playing Games do not specifically qualify under the information provided, the vast majority of rule books and adventure modules DO qualify under the Printed Books section. That said, RPG accessories such as spell cards, miniatures, paints, maps and tokens do NOT qualify.

- Tabletop Skirmish Games such as Warhammer, Conquest and Battletech DO NOT qualify for the GST Break - all of these have special qualifications from their respective publishers that these products are "NOT A CHILDREN'S TOY", and as such do not qualify for the break under the terms of the document noted above. Printed rulebooks, Codex and other such book publications from these publishers DO apply however.


Should you find a product that you feel should qualify that is not GST/HST exempt, we encourage our customers to email [email protected] prior to placing your order, and we would be happy to look into it further for you.

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In this category, you will find all of the products that qualify for the GST/HST Break running from December 14, 2024 to February 15, 2025.


We have done our best to cover as many of the items as possible using information provided through this document - The document outlines a number of inclusions and exceptions, and we have done our best to ensure that all sales qualify appropriately. With that said, we would like to take the opportunity to clarify out the following points:


- No games rated 14+ qualify for the GST Break

- While Role Playing Games do not specifically qualify under the information provided, the vast majority of rule books and adventure modules DO qualify under the Printed Books section. That said, RPG accessories such as spell cards, miniatures, paints, maps and tokens do NOT qualify.

- Tabletop Skirmish Games such as Warhammer, Conquest and Battletech DO NOT qualify for the GST Break - all of these have special qualifications from their respective publishers that these products are "NOT A CHILDREN'S TOY", and as such do not qualify for the break under the terms of the document noted above. Printed rulebooks, Codex and other such book publications from these publishers DO apply however.


Should you find a product that you feel should qualify that is not GST/HST exempt, we encourage our customers to email [email protected] prior to placing your order, and we would be happy to look into it further for you.

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8692 ProductsPage 206 of 363
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: De-Ranged Expansion 5
All the munchkin-ism of a prestige class, with none of that annoying roleplaying stuff....
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Deathly Pail Mini Expansion
We know you’ve been dying for another hearse-load of Undead....
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Double Dungeons Expansion 6
This set includes the cards from Munchkin 6 – Demented Dungeons and Munchkin 6.5 – Terrible Tombs, now in a single convenient expansion!...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Dragons Mini Expansion
Dragons are fearsome! Dragons are cool! Dragons have LOTS of treasure for munchkins to loot!...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Druids Mini Expansion
If a tree falls in the forest, does anyone care? Depends on who it falls on!...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Enhancers Mini Expansion
Flavor up your Munchkin experience with these 30 new monster, Treasure, Class, and Race enhancers!...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Fowl Play Mini Expansion
Get all the silly chicken, turkey, and duck jokes you've ever wanted with Munchkin Fowl Play!...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Gets Promoted Expansion 2
Munchkin fans search far and wide for these limited-run promo cards – but now they don’t have to anymore....
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Goats Mini Expansion
Munchkin Goats is a new mini-expansion that adds a herd of new Doors and Treasures to your Munchkin decks....
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Half Horse, Will Travel Expansion 8
Two classic fantasy races get the Munchkin treatment in Munchkin 8 -- Half Horse, Will Travel!...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Jurassic Snark Expansion 9
Dinosaurs! Rrrawwr!!...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Knights Mini Expansion
First there were dragons. Next came the princesses. Now the sun is setting and it's Knight time!...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Marked for Death Expansion 1
Munchkin Marked for Death is a double-duty booster set!...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Party Pack Mini Expansion
There's no party like a Munchkin party!...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Petting Zoo Mini Expansion
Ah, the good old petting zoo....
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Puppies Mini Expansion
The Dogs of War aren't just loose...they're adorable, too!...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Side Quests 2 Mini Expansion
Didn't get enough glory the first time around?

Maybe you're ready for Munchkin Side Quest 2!...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Snakes Mini Expansion
There’s something new slithering its way into your games of Munchkin!...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Squids Mini Expansion
Squid are supposed to be spineless, right? Then why are so many of them trying to kill you in this dungeon?...
Steve Jackson Games Munchkin Original: Time Warp Expansion 10
Make history! Shake history! Fake history!......