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Art: 618149322640
Factory Funner
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Trading Card Games,FEATURED
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Put on your hard hat and install machines, pipes, supply tanks, and reservoirs in this fast, furious, and fun game of factory planning.
Your goal is to purchase the best machines and make the most profitable factory. Putting down tiles might seem straightforward, but your mind will start bending as much as the pipes when you try to install machines that seemingly have no place. It’s full of unexpected delights and surprises!
- 154 Connectors
- 6 Double-sided Factory Boards
- 27 Output Reservoirs
- 6 Score Markers
- 1 Money Track
- 36 Clear Chips
- 1 "First" Tile
- 1 "Last" Tile
- 24 Reservoir Tiles
- 48 Machine Tiles
- Brand: AllPlay
- Article number: 618149322640
- Designer: Corné van Moorsel
- Year: 2016
- Number of Players: 1-5 Players
- Time: 20-40 Minutes
- Ages: 11+
- Mechanics: Hexagon Grid, Network and Route Building, Real-Time, Solo / Solitaire Game, Tile Placement
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