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Art: 9780786968282
Dungeons & Dragons 5E: Dragonlance - Shadow of the Dragon Queen
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Official Books,RPG’s
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Defend the people of Kalaman against seemingly insurmountable odds as Krynn prepares for war. The Dragon Armies are on the march, their ranks swelled by ogres, minotaurs, and humans who seek a share of the spoils, while rumors of the return of the Dark Queen’s dragons swirl among the people.
- Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen adventure for characters levels 1–11
- Introduces the Dragonlance setting to 5th edition D&D with a focus on the legendary War of the Lance
- Experience mass battlefield play with the option to enhance 6 encounters by playing connected scenarios in the Warriors of Krynn board game that alter the course of your adventure (board game sold in the Deluxe Edition)
- Face off against the infamous death knight Lord Soth and his army of draconians
- Includes character options at home in the Dragonlance setting, including the kender race, feats, backgrounds, and a subclass focused on Tower of High Sorcery magic- users
- Book comes with a poster map of the continent of Ansalon and the Kalaman theater of war
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