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Dead Reign RPG: The Zombie Apocalypse
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RPG’s,Trading Card Games
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Player characters are both the hunted and the hunters as they battle the creeping doom that is the living dead and pray for salvation.
- S.D.C. setting.
- Zombies have taken over the world.
- Zombies control the cities. Humans hide in remote wilderness areas.
- Zombies capture, keep and breed humans in food pens.
- Several different types of zombies.
- Humankind fights to rescue those they can, and destroy as many of the zombie abominations as they can.
- Player characters are ordinary people fighting for their very existence or bent on revenge.
- Is this the end of the world as we know it? Can Earth be reclaimed by humanity?
- Cover by E.M. Gist.
- Art by Nick Bradshaw and Amy L. Ashbaugh.
- Written by Josh Hilden, Joshua Sanford and Kevin Siembieda.
- 224 pages. Cat. No. 230.
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