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Dead Last
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So Dead Last is basically Ca$h ‘n Guns meets Diplomacy. The Shut Up & Sit Down review says "it’s the best new party game I’ve played all year and it’s the first game this site’s covered that will play completely differently depending on the size and shape of your table."
"Do I have your interest? Come with me! I promise I won’t shoot you!
Dead Last – and please, take a moment to appreciate that name – begins with 6-12 players sat around a table, each with a coloured standee, a private deck of cards and an unusually shifty look. As soon as the game begins people will start murdering each other by consensus and/or killing themselves by accident, and your objective is to be one of the last 2 people left standing."
A lot of bluffing happens in this game.
The first player to score 24 points of gold wins.
• simple complexity
• negotiation
• take that
• party game
Best played with 8-9 players
A lot of bluffing happens in this game.
The first player to score 24 points of gold wins.
• simple complexity
• negotiation
• take that
• party game
Best played with 8-9 players
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