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Art: 634482945254
D&D Idols of the Realms 2D Minis - Lich Tomb
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2D sets are made of acrylic and lay flat for ease of storage and portability. Each 2D mini comes with its own stand.
This set is heavily inspired by many of the greatest Lich Tombs of the D&D multiverse such as the notorious Tomb of Horrors and the Tomb of Annihilation. In this exciting pack you will find some of these adventures most common foes and more!
This set contains:
- x1 - Skeleton
- x1 - Skeleton
- x1 - Skeleton
- x1 - Skeleton
- x2 - Zombie
- x1 - Zombie
- x1 - Skull Lord
- x2 - Wraith
- x2 - Wight
- x1 - Tomb Guardian
- x1 - Giant Four-Armed Gargoyle
- x1 - Beholder Zombie
- x1 - Lich
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