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Art: 9309000219063
Curses & Covens
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The player playing the witch hunter will be trying to keep track of where the cards are and pushing their luck to try and collect them. The other players play as the towns and are on the side of the witches. They are playing a game of bluffing and silent cooperation as they try to outsmart the witch hunter.
The game plays through four main phases. The census, the arrival, the journey, and the hunt. These repeat until one side has won. The census phase is the only time where the towns players are able to communicate freely. During the other phases communication is limited. The hunt phase involves the witch hunter player drawing cards blindly from other players hands, trying to capture witches and avoid rituals.
- Brand: Good Games Publishing
- Article number: 9309000219063
- Designer: Samara Jethwa, David Walsh
- Year: 2024
- Number of Players: 4-6
- Time: 5-20 Min
- Ages: 8+
- Mechanics: Hand Management, Push Your Luck, Team-Based Game
- Theme: Bluffing, Card Game
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