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Art: 810155271848
Critical Role: Heroes of Exandria Starter Deck -
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Trading Card Games
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Get ready to dive into an adventure of epic proportions with characters you've been eagerly waiting for! Pick your character (Beau or Percy), open the deck, and start playing!
- Ready-to-play decks featuring Beau and Percy give new players the opportunity to join the adventure!
- Each display box contains 8 decks: 4 featuring Beau and 4 featuring Percy
- Each deck contains 61 cards (60 cards + 1 character card) focused on that character’s particular strengths.
- Double-sided paper playmat includes a learn to play guide on one side, and a zoned playmat on the other side. Perfect for new players!
- Starter decks (previously called Clash Decks) are the fastest and easiest way to learn to play UniVersus!
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