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Art: 5213009015813
Conquest: W'adrhun - Chieftain Tontorr Rider
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W'adrhun,Miniature Skirmish Games
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Even fewer commanders would have the courage to jump from the same platform to join the fray directly once the battle is joined! How they Play: The Tontorr being well known for its destructive capacities it wouldn't be complete with a mighty Chieftain being able to join the fray in style! Similar to the Apex Rider, the Tontorr is able to be ridden by a Chieftain through a Mastery option, not only providing a powerful war-mount but a high vantage point from which the Chieftain can direct the flow of battle... and occasionally stampede on enemy Regiments.
1 Resin Miniature 1 Base 1 Command Card
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