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Art: 628693600064
Catnip Auction House
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CATNIP Auction House is where the world’s elite cats go to get the best items for their personal collections! This auction style game plays 3-10 players. Each player represents a cat that will spend its precious catnip to bid on various items until the inventory is gone. Each of these items feature abilities that can impact a cat's abilities in the auction and awards a certain number of mice to the top 3 bidders. The most mice at the end of the game wins! It's an easy, in-or-out, single value bidding mechanism for broad player appeal.
- 80 Acrylic Catnip Cubes
- 70 Mouse Tokens (value of 1)
- 10 Mice Tokens (value of 5)
- 22 Auction Item Cards
- 1 Auctioneer Standee
- 1 Auction Direction Marker
- 10 Player Screens
- 10 PAWS Tokens
- Brand: Misc Board Games
- Article number: 628693600064
- Designer: Reed Mascola
- Year: 2023
- Number of Players: 3-10
- Time: 15-30 Min
- Ages: 8+
- Mechanics: Auction: Turn Order Until Pass, Auction/Bidding, Closed Economy Auction
- Theme: Card Game
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