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BackHomeGames by TypeSolo GamesFinal GirlCall of Cthulhu RPG: Alone Against the Frost: A Solitaire Adventure in Canada's Wilds
Art: 9781568823706
Call of Cthulhu RPG: Alone Against the Frost: A Solitaire Adventure in Canada's Wilds
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Alone Against the Frost is a 120-page paperback book.
Here, you choose your own path as you navigate through the story—your choices will determine whether you find success or failure!
You take on the role of Dr. L. C. Nadelmann, an anthropologist from the renowned Miskatonic University in Arkham, MA. Accompanied by three of your most gifted and practical graduate students, as well as an experienced local guide, you set off into the fabled valley of the North Hanninah in search of the anthropological discovery that will make your career and bring you fame. Or, so you hope.
Your expedition members are:
- Dr. L. C. Nadelmann, an academic obsessed by early North American prehistory, myths, and legends, particularly in the Big Woods region.
- Bernard Ebstein, a cherubic-looking native New Yorker, eager to experience life in the wilds before his upcoming marriage to his sweetheart, Catherine.
- Sylvia Davidson, the latest in a long line of Boston Brahmins, destined for academic greatness thanks to her dedication and determination.
- Norman Falkner, a mature, largely self-taught student whose calm nature acts as a steadying influence on those around him.
- Charlie Foxtail, a cautious Tsuut’ina professional wilderness guide, hired to lead the expedition safely through the North Hanninah.
Alone Against the Frost is a 120-page paperback book.
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