Para Bellum Wargames
Conquest: City States - Skorpios
C$94.95C$85.45Excl. tax
While the effectiveness of the Flogobolon and the Skorpios have long been known to the City States, they have long struggled to find a way to deploy t...
Conquest: City States - Flogobolon
C$94.95C$85.45Excl. tax
While the effectiveness of the Flogobolon and the Skorpios have long been known to the City States, they have long struggled to find a way to deploy t...
Conquest: Spires - Desolation Drones
C$54.95C$49.45Excl. tax
Desolation Drones are some of the most feared troops that the Spires can deploy despite their humble origins....
Conquest: Sorcerer Kings vs. City States Two Player Starter Set
C$259.95C$233.95Excl. tax
2 player City States vs Sorcerer Kings Value Starter Set for The Last Argument of Kings AND First Blood Play....
Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms - Order of the Crimson Tower
C$79.95C$71.95Excl. tax
The Order of the Crimson Tower has taken upon itself to combat one of the great scourges of mankind: War....
Conquest: Old Dominion - Hierodeacon
C$34.95C$31.45Excl. tax
1 Plastic Miniature
1 Cavalry Stand
1 Cavalry Base...
1 Plastic Miniature
1 Cavalry Stand
1 Cavalry Base...
Conquest: Spires - Brute Drones
C$69.95C$62.95Excl. tax
"It punched my horse. It punched my charging horse."
- Sir Antonus von Konigstadt...
- Sir Antonus von Konigstadt...
Conquest: City States - Phalangites
C$54.95C$49.45Excl. tax
Kingdoms were being born in a wave of desperate refugees, violence and hunger, the City States were flourishing, picking through the greatest secrets ...
Conquest: Dweghom - Fireforged
C$54.95C$49.45Excl. tax
This powerful Medium Restricted unit will allow the Dweghom to field an armour piercing ranged unit....
Conquest: Spires - Centaur Avatara
C$79.95C$71.95Excl. tax
A massive humanoid torso crowns the baroque, armored equine monstrosity of the Centaur Avatara, bristling with arms each carrying a deadly blade....
Conquest: Spires - Incarnate Sentinels
C$79.95C$71.95Excl. tax
3 Plastic Miniatures
3 Cavalry Stands
3 Cavalry Bases
1 Command Card...
3 Plastic Miniatures
3 Cavalry Stands
3 Cavalry Bases
1 Command Card...
Conquest: W'adrhun - Thunder Chieftain (Artisan Series)
C$124.95C$112.45Excl. tax
This figure was sculpted and designed by the team at Para-Bellum in keeping with our aesthetic, and created as a larger resin model befitting of our A...
Conquest: W'adrhun - Chosen of Conquest
C$59.95C$53.95Excl. tax
The presence of the Ukunfazane, the Living Goddess, among the W’adrhun, ensures that the population at large is devout; the Cults, composed of those...
Conquest: W'adrhun - Tontorr
C$269.95C$242.95Excl. tax
Tontorrs are amongst the largest beasts that the W’adrhun have managed to tame....
Conquest: W'adrhun - Drum Beast
C$269.95C$242.95Excl. tax
The W’adrhun are a deeply musical people, so it comes as little surprise that the beating heart of any Tribe’s encampment is the large ritual drum...
Conquest: W'adrhun - Warbred
C$69.95C$62.95Excl. tax
Shunned by the rest of W’adrhun society, these genetic throwbacks often band together into combat units....
Conquest: W'adrhun - Raptor Riders
C$79.95C$71.95Excl. tax
As a byproduct of the diverse genetic material from which the W’adrhŭn were developed, a portion of their population has developed an almost supern...
Conquest: Dweghom - Hellbringer Drake
C$174.95C$157.45Excl. tax
Following the defeat of the Dragons, it has long been a common practice among the Dweghom holds to capture and break the lesser draco forms to service...
Conquest: City States - Hephaestian
C$134.95C$121.45Excl. tax
Kingdoms were being born in a wave of desperate refugees, violence and hunger, the City States were flourishing, picking through the greatest secrets ...
Conquest: Nords - Ice Jotnar (Artisan Series)
C$189.95C$170.95Excl. tax
Few and far in between, Ice Jotnar are the nobility of their kind and the most powerful of the Jotuns....
Conquest: Nords - Sea Jotnar (Artisan Series)
C$189.95C$170.95Excl. tax
In ancient times, so long gone as to have passed from legend into myth, the Sea Jötnar challenged the Ice Jötnar for the leadership of their people ...
Conquest: Old Dominion - Fallen Divinity (Artisan Series)
C$189.95C$170.95Excl. tax
Once noble paragons of the Dominion's Pantheon but long since corrupted by Hazlia's Fall, Fallen Divinities are quite simply the most dangerous foes m...
Conquest: W'adrhun - Apex Predator
C$174.95C$157.45Excl. tax
When the Abhoreth Spire fell to the Dweghom advance, it was not only the W’adrhun who were released, millenia upon millennia of predatory and danger...