Para Bellum Wargames

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Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: City States - Skorpios
Conquest: City States - Skorpios
C$94.95C$85.45Excl. tax
While the effectiveness of the Flogobolon and the Skorpios have long been known to the City States, they have long struggled to find a way to deploy t...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: City States - Flogobolon
While the effectiveness of the Flogobolon and the Skorpios have long been known to the City States, they have long struggled to find a way to deploy t...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: Spires - Desolation Drones
Desolation Drones are some of the most feared troops that the Spires can deploy despite their humble origins....
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: Sorcerer Kings vs. City States Two Player Starter Set
2 player City States vs Sorcerer Kings Value Starter Set for The Last Argument of Kings AND First Blood Play....
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms - Order of the Crimson Tower
The Order of the Crimson Tower has taken upon itself to combat one of the great scourges of mankind: War....
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: Old Dominion - Hierodeacon
1 Plastic Miniature
1 Cavalry Stand
1 Cavalry Base...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: Spires - Brute Drones
Conquest: Spires - Brute Drones
C$69.95C$62.95Excl. tax
"It punched my horse. It punched my charging horse."
- Sir Antonus von Konigstadt...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: City States - Phalangites
Kingdoms were being born in a wave of desperate refugees, violence and hunger, the City States were flourishing, picking through the greatest secrets ...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: Dweghom - Fireforged
Conquest: Dweghom - Fireforged
C$54.95C$49.45Excl. tax
This powerful Medium Restricted unit will allow the Dweghom to field an armour piercing ranged unit....
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: Spires - Centaur Avatara
A massive humanoid torso crowns the baroque, armored equine monstrosity of the Centaur Avatara, bristling with arms each carrying a deadly blade....
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: Spires - Incarnate Sentinels

3 Plastic Miniatures
3 Cavalry Stands
3 Cavalry Bases
1 Command Card...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: W'adrhun - Thunder Chieftain (Artisan Series)
This figure was sculpted and designed by the team at Para-Bellum in keeping with our aesthetic, and created as a larger resin model befitting of our A...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: Spires - Stryx
Conquest: Spires - Stryx
C$54.95C$49.45Excl. tax
The first models'' to fly'' in the Conquest game....
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: W'adrhun - Chosen of Conquest
The presence of the Ukunfazane, the Living Goddess, among the W’adrhun, ensures that the population at large is devout; the Cults, composed of those...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: W'adrhun - Tontorr
Conquest: W'adrhun - Tontorr
C$269.95C$242.95Excl. tax
Tontorrs are amongst the largest beasts that the W’adrhun have managed to tame....
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: W'adrhun - Drum Beast
Conquest: W'adrhun - Drum Beast
C$269.95C$242.95Excl. tax
The W’adrhun are a deeply musical people, so it comes as little surprise that the beating heart of any Tribe’s encampment is the large ritual drum...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: W'adrhun - Warbred
Conquest: W'adrhun - Warbred
C$69.95C$62.95Excl. tax
Shunned by the rest of W’adrhun society, these genetic throwbacks often band together into combat units....
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: W'adrhun - Raptor Riders
As a byproduct of the diverse genetic material from which the W’adrhŭn were developed, a portion of their population has developed an almost supern...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: Dweghom - Hellbringer Drake
Following the defeat of the Dragons, it has long been a common practice among the Dweghom holds to capture and break the lesser draco forms to service...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: City States - Hephaestian
Conquest: City States - Hephaestian
C$134.95C$121.45Excl. tax
Kingdoms were being born in a wave of desperate refugees, violence and hunger, the City States were flourishing, picking through the greatest secrets ...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: Nords - Ice Jotnar (Artisan Series)
Few and far in between, Ice Jotnar are the nobility of their kind and the most powerful of the Jotuns....
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: Nords - Sea Jotnar (Artisan Series)
In ancient times, so long gone as to have passed from legend into myth, the Sea Jötnar challenged the Ice Jötnar for the leadership of their people ...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: Old Dominion - Fallen Divinity (Artisan Series)
Once noble paragons of the Dominion's Pantheon but long since corrupted by Hazlia's Fall, Fallen Divinities are quite simply the most dangerous foes m...
Para Bellum Wargames Conquest: W'adrhun - Apex Predator
Conquest: W'adrhun - Apex Predator
C$174.95C$157.45Excl. tax
When the Abhoreth Spire fell to the Dweghom advance, it was not only the W’adrhun who were released, millenia upon millennia of predatory and danger...