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Art: 772603560013
Bob Marley - The Game of Peace, Love and Unity
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Unity is a game of strategy and luck. Players form a band and go out on a Marley inspired world-tour. Your goal is to add musicians, earn the love of your loyal fans and inspire Unity along the way.
Built for 2 - 4 Players.
Perform at historical concerts as you travel the board with your band in your very own tour bus. As your fan base grows, you can work your way up to international super stardom.
Win the game by using the power of music and love to spread Peace and Unity around the World.
- Brand: High Roller Games
- Article number: 772603560013
- Designer: Derek Hodgins, Dave Phelps
- Year: 2020
- Number of Players: 2-4 Players
- Time: 45 Minutes
- Ages: 13+
- Mechanics: Dice Rolling, Hand Management, Open Drafting, Roll / Spin and Move, Set Collection
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