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Board Game Tuesdays: Finspan - Apr 08 at 6:00pm (Max 4 Participants)
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You are a marine researcher seeking to find and observe an array of aquatic life in the colorful Sunlight Zone, ghostly Twilight Zone, and pitch-black Midnight Zone of the world's seas and oceans. In Finspan, the fish you discover over four weeks will generate a series of benefits as you dive deeper into the ocean.
Each dive site specializes in a key aspect of expanding your research:
- Grow your collection of fish.
- Discover freshly laid eggs.
- Hatch eggs into young and consolidate young to form schools.
The winner is the player with the most points gained from fish, eggs, young, schools, and achievements.
There will be 1 Five player game, depending on attendance.
A prize will be given out randomly to a participant.
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