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Board Game Tuesdays: CATAN: New Energies - Apr 29 at 6:00pm (Max 3 Participants)
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It's the 21st Century, and Catan is at a crossroads. Long gone is the agrarian society of the island's Viking ancestors. Today's Catanians need energy to keep society moving and growing, but pollution is wreaking havoc on the island.
You must decide: Invest in clean energy resources, or opt for cheaper fossil fuels, potentially causing disastrous effects for the island?
CATAN: New Energies is a new standalone game rooted in classic CATAN mechanisms of harvesting, trading, and building. New gameplay elements including power plants, energy tokens, and environmental events that add new strategies and stories to a familiar foundation.
There will be 1 Four player game, depending on attendance.
A prize will be given out randomly to a participant.
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