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Art: 9781964634036
Blister Critters RPG: Box Set
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Using the innovative Grit System, Blister Critters drops players into a bizarre posthuman world of Blisters (mutations), physics-bending Nonsense powers, dangerous feral Beasts, and a near-infinite amount of human Stuff. The boxed set includes a set of thoughtfully designed, nostalgia-washed tools to help players and Producers make the most of each episode:
- The Blister Critters Rulebook! 100 pages of mayhem, including player-empowering rules for exploring odd and eerily familiar locations in a vast, cruel suburbia
- The Tons-o-Stuff Mega-Poster! A gorgeous, double-sided, poster cataloging the relics of humanity—AKA, Stuff
- The Blister Critters Booster Pack! 48 poker-sized, poké-styled cards of Beasts and Bliffs for handy reference
- Blister Stickers! Who doesn't want a full sheet of mutant cartoon animal stickers?
- Blister Critters dice! All the colorful clickity-clacks you need to play: d4, d6 × 2, d8 × 2, d10, and d12
- The Book of Ad-Libs!—52 pages of collaborative, improvised worldbuilding to jumpstart your sessions
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