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Art: 9420020262607
Battlefield in a Box: Gothic Sector: Legion Defense Turrets
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3D Terrain,Miniature Skirmish Games
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Combine multiple sets of from the Legion range to create epic battlefields and wage war across the galaxy.
This Heroic Scale pre-painted sci-fi terrain allows you to build worlds for your armies to wage war across straight from the box, stay prepared for war with nine brand new pieces of stunning Gothic Sector scenery that will forever breathe life into the games on your tabletop.
Compatible with all 28-35mm scale wargames & Roleplaying games, including Starfinder, Warhammer 40,000, Kill Team, Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps, Star Wars: Legion and more!
- 2x Painted Legion Defense Turrets
- 3x Weapon Options
- 14x Rare Earth Magnets
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