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Art: 5060660091096
Battle Systems Fantasy: Great Hall of Khaarastad
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Maps & Terrain Tiles,RPG’s
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This cavernous room could be the perfect setting for a showdown, part of a thriving underground stronghold, or a once grandiose hall that can be scavenged for lost treasures. The set also includes a throne and dais, tables, banners, rugs and even a gong!
The terrain is supplied flat-packed on high-quality, high-density card, printed in full colour on both sides, so no painting required! The terrain requires assembly, and some smaller parts will require glue.
- 1 Great Door
- 1 Great Staircase (can be assembled in left or right configurations)
- 2 Great Columns
- 1 Banquet Table
- 2 Dais
- 2 Round Tables
- 1 Throne
- 6 Chairs
- 2 Benches
- 1 Gong
- 1 Large Rug
- 1 Small Rug
- 1 Firepit with Spit
- 1 Weapon Rack
- 2 Braziers
- 2 Banners
- 4 Sconces
- 19 Assorted Scatter Components and Accessories
Requires the Battle Systems Fantasy Dungeon for assembly.
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