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Art: 5060660090884
Battle Systems Fantasy: Battlefield
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Maps & Terrain Tiles,RPG’s
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This box contains all the terrain you need for a complete gaming table representing a war-torn battlefield, suitable for many 28-35mm fantasy and historical games. You can tightly pack the terrain into a small skirmish board or spread it out over a larger table. Many of the pieces are modular and can be assembled in any combination you choose for a different set-up every time. The roofs are removable and the buildings have fully detailed interiors.
- 1 Fully Modular Ruined Monastery
- 54 Assorted Wall Panels
- 3 Assorted Floor Tiles
- 3 Ruined Turrets
- 1 Grand Entrance
- 1 Ruined Grand Entrance
- 3 Balustrades
- 3 Sets of Steps
- 1 Ruined Strut
- 1 Watchtower
- 3 Tower Wall Panels
- 2 Lookout Wall Panels
- 2 Tower Floor Tiles
- 1 Lookout Floor Tile
- 1 Roof
- 1 Roof Clip
- 4 Lookout Struts
- 1 Balcony
- 5 Balcony Supports
- 2 Railings
- 1 Beacon
- 4 Beacon Supports
- 1 Beacon Roof
- 2 Guard Posts
- 8 Wall Panels
- 4 Floor Tiles
- 2 Lookout Platform Surrounds
- 2 Roofs
- 2 Roof Clips
- 11 Assorted Double-sided Road/River Sections
- 1 Wooden Jetty
- 11 Assorted Stone Walls
- 3 6"/15cm Palisade Walls
- 5 Assorted Stake Barricades
- 3 Staircases
- 5 Ladders
- 4 Assorted Signposts
- 1 Broken Cart
- 13 Assorted Furniture Pieces
- 120 Assorted Scatter Components and Accessories
- 84 Grey Plastic Clips
The terrain is supplied flat-packed on high-quality, high-density card, printed in full colour on both sides, so no painting required! The terrain requires assembly, and some smaller parts will require glue.
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