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Arborea is a worker placement euro game where time, and planning ahead, is key.
During the game, players will place workers on Action Tracks ("Pilgrimage"). These tracks will then advance, moving all workers with them. The farther the Action Tracks move, the better the Rewards gained when workers are activated.
These rewards may help Players to contribute to the Shared Resource Track, make offerings to the great and wise Sages to invest in future gifts, or attract animals to the land of Arborea. Explore different Seasons each game for new opportunities and paths to take.
Take from the Shared Resources to build your personal Ecosystem, overlaying terrain cards to build habitats and placing animals for end game Victory Points.
- Brand: Alley Cat Games
- Article number: 5060756410497
- Designer: Dani Garcia
- Year: 2023
- Number of Players: 1-5
- Time: 90-120 Min
- Ages: 14+
- Mechanics: Market, Tile Placement, Variable Set-up, Worker Placement
- Theme: Animals, Fantasy
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